Love of Power!
If power is exploitation, power is responsibility too. If power is destruction, power is creation too. If power is burden, power is opportunity too. If power is arrogance, power is humility too. If power is dominance, power is leadership too. If power is danger, power is strength too. If power is oppression, power is freedom too. Power does not hold itself any value. It is choice that makes it powerful. Power can bring infinite good, evil, or anything in between; it is you who decides what to do with it. In the Mahabharata, Duryodhan had much more power than the Pandavas. Still, he lost because he did not use it with wisdom. Despite his vast resources and alliances, Duryodhan's arrogance and unjust actions led to his downfall. The Pandavas, though not always perfect and truthful, were guided by principles of justice and righteousness. Their resilience and the wise counsel of Krishna helped them achieve the unimaginable. Thus, power can lead to greatness and lasting success, but its...