The three qualities (Guns) : Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas
According to Hindu scriptures, there are three qualities (Guns) : Sattva , Rajas and Tamas.
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Everything that has been created, including us, is made up of five elements : Earth, water, fire, air & space. These elements have three qualities (Guns) : Sattva, Rajas & Tamas. All the creation is governed by these three Guns.
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These Guns are unique and display certain personality traits in us. We all possess these qualities (Guns). During a certain phase of life, one gun dominates & other two go in the background. It is natural to experience these three qualities from time to time.
Sometimes you feel peace, joy, no fear and pure energy around you. Your Sattva quality (Gun) is dominating. Sometimes you are moody, restless, insatiable and full of ambitions, your Rajas quality (Gun) is in charge. When you feel lazy, depressed, angry, relaxed and destructive, your Tamas quality (Gun) is driving you.
All Guns are mandatory. While Sattva Gun is for feeling pure energy, Rajas Gun is required for initiating and exciting actions. Tamas Gun is required for having sleep, rest, and relaxation.
Now you choose your current dominant Guna from the upcoming three quality sets.
If your Rajas Gun is dominating currently, you are full of ambitions. You have lots of energy which you are unable to dissipate & that is why you feel restless. You are moody and go through a lot of mood swings. Sometimes your thoughts are clouded and you feel confused and lost. You are a charmer & yet you feel insatiable. You get attached too easily & have many unfulfilled desires.You want to complete your work on time, but, get frustrated if your deadlines are missed. You need to take a break and look into yourself.
If your Sattva quality (Gun) is in charge, you feel pure energy all around. You feel connected to yourself. You feel joyous most of the time. The failure cannot deviate you from your path for a long time. You are fearless and courageous. You feel gratitude towards your blessings & greet politely. You are efficient in your work, content & feel energetic. You think logically & feel light in your body & in your mind. You are a great team member. You are in complete control of yourself.
Well done!!
When Tamas quality controls (Gun) controls you become negative and doubtful. Though you are mostly in a relaxed mood, arrogance is just around the corner for you. You are a great worker. However, you do not respect the deadlines. Sometimes getting started becomes really difficult for you. You intend to work hard but you lose your enthusiasm after initial failure. You let things happen at their own pace. You know your grounds well and do not like to interfere in others' lives and matters.
You feel lazy & like to rest.
You need to let go of the negativity inside you and work towards rejuvenating your Sattva quality (Gun). However, all the qualities are necessary for the creation to create.
These three Guns come in cycles like life. It is natural to experience these three qualities from time to time. However, these qualities Guns can be adjusted and we can always move towards Sattva by pushing other two qualities (Guns) in the background by mediating and having a balanced diet.
Certain food items affect these Guns. Stay tuned and check out in the next post.
P. C. : Google, Pinterest
Reference : Google, Artofliving
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