Need for Emotion Read!
You open your social media site(Instagram or Facebook or whatever). While scrolling through your feed, you come across one of your acquaintances. She is vacationing in Switzerland. A chain of thoughts starts in your mind. She is married to a handsome boy, both of them earn good and settled abroad. They spend their vacations in a foreign country. Wow! What an amazing life she has.
You just started comparing between you and her in your mind. How is her life is better than yours? That picture of her in Switzerland brought out the failure in you. The things you did not achieve. This is how we measure. We measure everything in either success or failure. For us, our life is these two poles. The favored one is, of course, success. We indulge all our energy by focusing on the final destination of being successful and perpetually thinking about it. We don't even spare a glance at the path we take as we forget life happens between success and failure. Life happens through our emotions, our experiences which we come across while being in the process. We are more focused on how it will be than how it is now?
This is how we trap ourselves in the vicious circle of repeating negative emotions. After experiencing a burst of negative emotions, we forget about them until we encounter a similar incident next time. Life is about experiencing the emotions as they come. They arise from the combination of our expectations from ourselves and the world. Some emotions that give happiness and motivate us are deemed positive. The ones that suck the energy out of us and make us sad are considered negative. Hence, it is also crucial to acknowledge and recognize the reiterating negative patterns at least.
Once accepted and realized, what should be done with the feelings? Feed them or shush them away or address them. It is a matter of personal choices and preferences. Choose well.
Have a great day :-).
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