That girl!
There was a girl whose parents gave her the chance to study and learn. They motivated her to choose her path and weave her dreams. She fueled her dreams with hopes and desires. She dreamt of ambitions, creating value and financial independence. She grew up. She loved her career. Of course, there were ups and downs, disappointments and dissatisfactions. Still, at the end of the day, she knew she could still live up to her dreams if she kept trying. She got married to a charming guy who supported her dreams and career. Eventually, she had kids. She never contemplated how much dedication her children required from her. She always thought of having kids and raising them as a temporary condition rather than a permanent one. She thought she could also sail this boat. Naive she was, she did not know it was easier thought than done. For time being, she tried to manage everything - home, children, and work. As she still had a place for her dreams in her mind. But slowly, she started to fee...